2025 - 2026 Survey
Lead Teacher:
Come up with your own class idea (pending Co-op Board approval) or the Board can give you class ideas to choose from. Create a lesson plan, purchase supplies with Co-op budgeted money and teach a 7-week class to ages Kindergarten-7th grade. You will be in charge of set-up and clean-up in your classroom each week.
Co-Lead Teacher:
Come up with your own class idea (pending Co-op Board approval) or the Board can give you class ideas to choose from. Split lead teacher responsibilities with another Co-op adult and work together to create a lesson plan, purchase supplies with Co-op budgeted money and Co-teach a 7-week class to ages Kindergarten-7th grade. You will be in charge of set-up and clean-up in your classroom each week.
Teachers Helper:
Assist lead teacher in facilitating the lesson they have planned for the Co-op class. Be ready and willing to help in the classroom. Help with set-up and clean-up in your classroom each week. Implement the class lesson in the Lead Teachers absence.
Nursery Helper:
Oversee the care and safety of the infant-1yr old children during Co-op time. Assist with activities and crafts that the Preschool Director has planned. Help with set-up and clean-up in your classroom each week.
Preschool Helper:
Oversee the care and safety of the 2yr old-Preschool aged children during Co-op time. Assist with activities and crafts that the Preschool Director has planned. Help with set-up and clean-up in your classroom each week.
Novas Helper:
Oversee the care and safety of Kindergarten-6yr old children. Each group helper will be in a rotation to lead Open/Closing time during Co-op. You will be escorting your group to each class, ensuring children are listening and participating during classes. You will also assist the teacher during class time to facilitate the lesson they have for that day.
Minors Helper:
Oversee the care and safety of 6yr-8yr old children. Each group helper will be in a rotation to lead Open/Closing time during Co-op. You will be escorting your group to each class, ensuring children are listening and participating during classes. You will also assist the teacher during class time to facilitate the lesson they have for that day.
Middles Helper:
Oversee the care and safety of 8yr-10yr old children. Each group helper will be in a rotation to lead Open/Closing time during Co-op. You will be escorting your group to each class, ensuring children are listening and participating during classes. You will also assist the teacher during class time to facilitate the lesson they have for that day.
Majors Helper:
Oversee the care and safety of 10yr-12yr old children. Each group helper will be in a rotation to lead Open/Closing time during Co-op. You will be escorting your group to each class, ensuring children are listening and participating during classes. You will also assist the teacher during class time to facilitate the lesson they have for that day.
Marvels Lead Teacher:
Create a lesson plan, purchase supplies with Co-op budgeted money and teach a school-year-long course that earns a half an elective credit or a half year course that earns a fourth of an elective for 8th-12th graders. You can come up with your own class idea (pending Co-op Board approval) or the Board can give you class ideas to choose from.
Marvels Helper:
Oversee the care and safety of 8th-12th grade students. Assist the teacher during class time to facilitate the lesson they have for that day. Implement the class lesson in the Lead Teachers absence. Be ready and willing to help during Co-op.